NPA - 718 New York (NY)
The 718 Area Code is located in the state of New York. Area Code 718 is one of the 312 three-digit telephone area codes in the USA. It covers roughly 523,157 unique phone numbers and 20,196,649 individuals near the cities of New York-Newark-Jersey City.
NPA - 718 History: Area code 718 was put into service. Area code 718 was created from a split of area code 212. In 1999 area code 718 was overlaid with area code 347.
There are a few special area codes with the last two digits 422 match, these are known as easily recognizable codes (ERCs). The 8xx set of numbers are reserved for toll-free services and communication.
Those numbers can be found in the following cities or locations: New York (NY).
718 Stats:
State: New York (NY)
Metro Area: New York-Newark-Jersey City
Nearby Area Codes:
201, 212, 347, 516, 518, 551, 570, 609, 631, 646, 718, 732, 845, 848, 862, 908, 914, 917, 929, 934, 973,
Phone Prefixes: 796
Est. Population: 20,196,649
Phone Numbers: 523,157
Cities in area code 718:
Staten Island, Great Neck, Long Island City, Inwood, Sunnyside, Community Support and Referral Services, Unavailable for Assignment, New York, Bronx, Flushing, Floral Park, Non Emergency Services, 411 Local Directory Assistance, Travel Information Services, Information Provider, Directory Assistance, Telco Repair Service, Standard Plant Test Code, Intralata Pic Validation, Telecommunications Relay Service, One Call Services Pipeline and Utility Safety, Broadband and Ip Services, Open Network Architecture, Emergency Services, Jamaica, Fgb Access Code, High Volume, Brooklyn.